Thank you for visiting the UK Shaolin Temple website. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using our site.

Please do not use this website, if you do not agree with our Terms and Conditions. You will be bound by these Terms whether or not you have registered with us, when using our site (this includes downloading or streaming from the website) and they will form a contract between you and us.

These Terms apply to the entire contents of this UK Shaolin Temple website (including any downloaded or streamed content and any correspondence by e-mail between you and us.) The Privacy Statement, Contact us section and Contribution Rules (where applicable) are also part of these Terms and Conditions (together referred to as ‘Terms’) and we advise you to read those too.

A. Who are we?

Access and use of this website is provided by UK Shaolin Temple, which is a registered charity (no. 1150698) in England and a company limited by guarantee, also registered in England (no. 8372242). The registered address is at G2, Liners Industrial Estate, Pitt Road, Southampton. References in these Terms to ‘we’ or ‘us’ are to UK Shaolin Temple.

B. Changes

B.1. These Terms may change at any time, in which case the amended Terms will be posted on the website and will apply from that date on. Please check these Terms every time you use our website. You will be bound by the latest Terms, when using the website.

B.2. The format and content of the website may change constantly. Please refresh your browser each time you visit the website to ensure that you access the most up to date version.

C. Accessing the website

C.1. Please ask the telephone bill payer for permission before accessing the website.

C.2. We may deny any user access to the website or any part of it without prior notice.

D. Using the website 

D.1. You agree to only use the website in a manner that complies with all applicable laws and regulations and is consistent with the Terms. You agree to not infringe the rights of anyone else, nor restrict or inhibit their use and enjoyment of the website (including, without limitation, by hacking).

E. Contributions 

E.1. All content posted or submitted by users of the website, (e.g. stories, comments, suggestions and emails (‘Contributions’)) must comply with our Contribution Rules. Please read these rules carefully before registering as a contributor or submitting any material to this website. If you register as a contributor, you will agree to the Contribution Rules, which form part of the contract between you and us.

E.2. We are not responsible for Contributions posted on and to our websites. Posted Contributions do not express the views of UK Shaolin Temple. They express the views of the individual author of the Contribution.

E.3. For complaints about any content on this website, please contact us immediately by sending an email to Please provide your full name, contact details, details of the exact content complained of and details of why you are complaining about that content, in order to be considered. Please note that no action can be taken without this information.

E.4. You must not post or transmit any of the following material to this website:

  • Material, that is knowingly false or misleading
  • Material, that is defamatory, illegal, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, liable to incite racial hatred, blasphemous, discriminatory, pornographic, sexually oriented, threatening or invasive of a person’s privacy
  • Material, which you do not own or for which you have not obtained all necessary licences and/or approvals
  • Material, which is technically harmful (e.g. computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, worms, harmful components, corrupted data or other malicious software or harmful data)
  • Material, that is impersonating someone else (person or entity), or falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting an affiliation with anyone else (person or entity).

E.5. In accordance with data protection legislation, we are entitled to reveal your identity or any information which we have about you in appropriate circumstances.

E.6. You agree to protect, indemnify and hold harmless UK Shaolin Temple, its trustees, directors, officers and employees, from and against all liabilities, claims, demands and expenses arising out of any of your Contributions which breach these Terms.

E.7. Any Contributions you transmit or post to this website are considered non-confidential.

With any Contribution you post or transmit to the website, you:

  • E.7.1. represent that you are fully entitled to do so;
  • E.7.2. grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual, non-terminable, worldwide, sub licensable and royalty-free license to copy, modify, distribute, show in public and create derivative works from that material in any form and anywhere for all commercial or non-commercial purposes related to our work; and
  • E.7.3. authorise us to adapt relevant material. In the course of doing so you waive all moral rights you have in your Contribution to the fullest extent permitted by law.

F. Registration 

F.1. In order to make use of certain facilities available through our websites (e. g. obtaining a newsletter, receiving/streaming regular pod casts or audio content, ordering a product or contributing comments to a discussion website) you must first register with us. For this, you will be asked to provide an individual user name and password which you will need to use each time you carry out the action which you registered for (e.g. each time you purchase a product or submit a Contribution). We may prompt you to change your user name and password from time to time.

F.2. It is you responsibility to keep your username and password confidential and that you do not disclose them to anyone. We also recommend restricting access to your computer to prevent unauthorised access to your account. You will be liable for all activities which occur under your username and password. You should immediately notify us of any unauthorised use of your username and password or any other breach of security as soon as you become aware of it.

F.3. By registering, you confirm that all provided information is accurate. Please ensure that all given details are correct and complete and inform us immediately of any changes to the provided information when registering. As a Contributor to our discussion websites you must have a valid email registered with us at all times.

F.4. We may terminate your registration at any time at our complete discretion. This normally only will happen if you are in breach of our website rules. If your registration is terminated or suspended you may not re-register with us without our written consent.

G. Privacy

We take your privacy very seriously and will treat all of your personal information in accordance with all applicable data protection laws in England and Wales. For further Information, please read our Privacy Statement.

H. Intellectual Property Rights

H.1. All copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights on the website, as well as all photographs, designs, images, text, software, data, audio, video, files and other material on the website or material generated by or transmitted from the website are owned by us or our licensors. You are permitted to use the website and UK Shaolin Temple Material only as expressly authorised by us.

H.2. If you use the website and UK Shaolin Temple Materials in accordance with these Terms you are permitted to print, download and receive extracts of UK Shaolin Temple Material (“Extracts”) ONLY for your personal non-commercial use and for private study or teaching purposes, provided in each case that:

  • H.2.1. Copyright and source indications are printed and copied and/or stored in association with the Extracts;
  • H.2.2. No modifications are made and Extracts are not used as part of any other publication or derivative work; and
  • H.2.3. Any Extract is retained, printed and/or copied entirely and is not used in a derogatory or misleading context, especially not for the purpose of promoting, advertising, endorsing or implying a connection with you (or any third party) and UK Shaolin Temple, its agents or employees.

H.3. The rights in term H.2 are not transferable and any other use of UK Shaolin Temple Material may only be made with first obtaining our written permission. In particular, you must have first obtained our written permission to:

  • H.3.1. Incorporate any UK Shaolin Temple Material in any other work, broadcast or publication, whether in hard copy or electronic form;
  • H.3.2. use or publish any UK Shaolin Temple Material commercially (other than as necessary for the purpose of viewing or listening to the website in the course of business);
  • H.3.3. Perform, broadcast or otherwise transmit, post, share or make available to the public any UK Shaolin Temple Material.

H.4. If you wish to use any UK Shaolin Temple Material other than in accordance with Terms H.2 and H.3 above, please contact us.

H.5. The photographic, text, graphic images, audio and video material within any products or publications supplied to you are copyright works and none of them may be copied, reproduced, licenced, broadcast, transmitted or otherwise exploited.

H.6. The UK Shaolin Temple name and logo are trademarks of UK Shaolin Temple. Other logos and names used on the website may also be trademarks of UK Shaolin Temple or their respective owners. We give no permission to use any such trademarks; the usage of names or logos etc. may infringe the holder’s rights.

H.7. We encourage our supporters to campaign on the issues referred to on our websites, but please do not imply that you are taking action on our behalf, especially, do not state that UK Shaolin Temple is taking, or proposes or is considering taking, action against individuals or organisations (e. g. to boycott other company’s products).

H.8. All rights not expressly granted in these terms are reserved.

H.9. We may withdraw given permission to use or receive Extracts at any time at our complete discretion.

I. Advertisers and Sponsors 

I.1. We do not take responsibilities for the accuracy of any advertising or for any advertised product or service that is occasionally seen on our websites. We aim to not knowingly run a false advert or an advert which relates to goods or services contrary to our objects. We do not necessarily support advertiser’s goods and services shown on our website.

J. Disclaimers

J.1. The given information on our websites is intended to provide general information only. It should not be considered as a substitute for any specific advice. We do not check and are not responsible for the accuracy, completeness or truth of Contributions to the websites. All Contributions are the sole responsibility of the person who submitted it to the website. Please seek appropriate advice before taking or refraining from taking any action in reliance on any information contained on our websites. The material on this website is provided without any conditions, warranties or other Terms of any kind.

J.2. You should exercise the same degree of caution in evaluating what you see on the website than you do offline. Even though contributors are prohibited from doing so, people may provide information, or otherwise, behave in a way that is unreliable, misleading or even illegal. You should also be aware that people may not necessarily be who they say they are. You use our website entirely at your own risk.

J.3. In countries where its contents are illegal or unlawful, you may not granted access to our websites. If you access the website in countries outside the United Kingdom, you do so, on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws.

J.4. We do not warrant for uninterrupted or error free functions on the website or that defects will be corrected or that the websites or their servers will be free of viruses or bugs. We neither warrant that the material is fully functional, accurate or reliable.

J.5. This disclaimer does not apply to any products, which you purchase directly from UK Shaolin Temple Limited. UK Shaolin Temple is not liable for any products or services that are bought from a third-party website (through a provided link). Any complaints should be addressed with the manufacturer or retailer directly. Except for products expressly sold by UK Shaolin Temple Limited, the inclusion of a company’s product on a UK Shaolin Temple website does not represent any support or warranty of that product by UK Shaolin Temple.

J.6. UK Shaolin Temple strongly encourages you to make all necessary investigations before proceeding with any online or offline transaction with any third party. UK Shaolin Temple does not warrant for the security of any information (e. g. credit or debit card or other personal information) that might be requested by any third party and purchasers hereby irrevocably waive any claim against UK Shaolin Temple regarding third party websites and their content.

K. Liability

K.1. We do not limit in any way our liability by law for fraud or death or personal injury caused by our negligence or breach of statutory duty or any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.

K.2. Subject to clause K.1, we will not be liable for:

  • K.2.1. Any loss, disruption or damage to your data or your computer system; or
  • K.2.2. Any other loss or damages whatsoever (e.g. loss of profit or loss of use, direct, indirect or incidental loss) arising out of your use or inability to use our websites (e. g. downloading or streaming from the website), their content, any information on or from the websites or any link to another website and whether such loss or damage arises in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise.

L. Links

L.1. Third Party Links on our website (also in User Contributions) are provided for your convenience only. We do not control such websites and are not responsible for their contents. Neither do we necessarily support their material, nor are we associated with their operators. By accessing third party website through a link from our websites, you do so entirely at your own risk. We cannot guarantee the functionality or availability of the linked pages.

L.2. Please take additional care when using links contained in user Contributions, as we do not check these and are not responsible for them. Do not use the link, if you are not familiar with it.

L.3. If you wish to link from your website to our website you may do so only on the basis that you link to. Do not replicate the home page and abide by the following conditions:

  • L.3.1. The linking text consists only of the website address;
  • L.3.2. the logos on the website are not to be removed, distorted or otherwise altered in size or appearance;
  • L.3.3. do not imply that UK Shaolin Temple is supporting any products or services;
  • L.3.4. do not misrepresent your relationship with UK Shaolin Temple nor present any other false information about it;
  • L.3.5. any UK Shaolin Temple trademarks displayed on our websites are not to be used without our express written permission;
  • L.3.6. do not link from a website that is not owned by you; and
  • L.3.7. Your website does not contain content that is distasteful, pornographic, infringes any intellectual property rights or other rights of any other person or otherwise does not comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

L.4. We may at any time and at our complete discretion reserve the right to withdraw the permission to link to our websites.

M. Severance

Any Terms that are determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the laws of any state or country which apply to these Terms, shall be severed and deleted from these Terms to the extent and within that jurisdiction in which that Term is illegal. The remaining Terms stay in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable.

N. Waiver

If you breach these Terms and no action is taken, we will use our rights and remedies at a later date or in any other situation where you breach these Terms.

O. Events Beyond our Control

We are not responsible for any delay in delivering any services or order or breach of our obligations, due to acts of God, civil commotion, riots, malicious damage, floods, drought, fire, legislation, failure of ISP or telecommunications provider or other cause beyond our reasonable control. This does not affect your statutory rights.

P. Law, Courts and Language

These Terms, the use of our websites and the supply of our products and services are governed by and to be interpreted in accordance with English law. In the event of any dispute arising in relation to these Terms, to the use of our websites or in relation to the supply of any of our products or services the English courts will have jurisdiction over the dispute. These Terms and this website are provided in the English language only.

If you have any questions relating to these Terms, please contact us. This document was last updated February 2019.